You probably can’t turn on the TV or scroll through social media without seeing some sort of headline for COVID-19 in Colorado Springs. While the virus seems to be taking control of every area of our lives, we need to remember something from history that happened not all that long ago: the 1918 Pandemic.
The 1918 influenza pandemic has been labeled as one of the most “devastating outbreaks in all of history.” It affected over 50 million people worldwide and left over 675,000 Americans dead. It truly was an awful pandemic.
What you may not know about it was how it became a turning point in the profession of Chiropractic. During the pandemic, doctors of chiropractic in Davenport Iowa took care of 1,635 cases with only a single death while Davenport medical doctors saw 4,953 cases with 274 deaths. The state of Iowa also reported that medical doctors treated 93,590 influenza patients with 6,116 deaths or one out of 15. The rest of the state, except for Davenport, reported that they had 4,735 patients treated by chiropractor care with a loss of 6 which is 1 out of 789 during the influenza epidemic. Comparing the two you can see a drastic change in the death rate under two completely different types of care.
Chiropractic Care is effective in Colorado Springs
So, why was chiropractic care so effective in the 1918 influenza pandemic? It’s not as complicated as you might think.
- Boosted immune system. The primary factor in all of these cases was that chiropractic was proven to boost the immune system. Studies have shown that a chiropractic adjustment can boost your immune system by up to 200%. Organs that have a strong relationship with the immune system, such as your lymph nodes and spleen, communicate with the brain through your nervous system. When your nervous system is not functioning properly due to a spinal subluxation then communication breakdown begins to occur between your brain and the rest of your body.
- White blood cell production. We all know that white blood cells have a primary goal of attacking infectious cells and foreign invaders. During the 1918 pandemic studies showed that patients under chiropractic care had an increase in white blood cell production, giving them an even better chance of fighting off the disease.
- Increase function of the lymph system. Chiropractic adjustments actually increase lymphatic flow. Your lymph system is extremely important, especially when you are sick because it is a network of tissues and organs whose primary goal is to get rid of waste. By increasing the overall function of the lymph systems your body is better equipped to get rid of the toxins harming your body.
- Better sleep for recovery. Sleep is incredibly important in maintaining a good immune system and making sure you are not susceptible to viruses. There is a group of cells located in your brain stem that are in charge of controlling sleep cycles in your body. What you may not realize is that your brain stem is not simply in your body unprotected. The C1 vertebrae (known as your atlas) is the top bone in your neck. It rests at the base of your skull and surrounds and protects your brainstem right where it meets your spinal cord. When you have a subluxation of the C1 vertebrae, that bone begins putting pressure against your brain stem. More often than not, people begin experiencing difficulty sleeping, loss of energy and as a result, a lowered immune system. By receiving a chiropractic adjustment, pressure is taken off the brain stem allowing it to function properly and ultimately restoring a better night's sleep so that you can fight viruses and infections as efficiently as possible.
While we strongly believe that Chiropractic is a great asset in helping your body fight the COVID-19 virus during this epidemic, we also encourage you to listen to your body. It’s important to take a breath, be educated, prepared, and not give in to the panic. Make the decision that is best for your overall health.
At True North Health Center in Colorado Springs, our goal is to help you #liveyourtruenorth. That’s why our doctors give very gentle and specific adjustments to help restore your body to its ultimate potential. Treating your body to Chiropractic care can help with fighting infections and boosting your immune system as COVID-19 begins to spread. To book an appointment, call one of our team members at (719) 301-5781. We cannot wait to serve you within our office!
Resources: University of Pittsburgh Neurosurgery, ChiroHealthUSA, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
10:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
7:30am - 11:00am
10:00am - 12:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
True North Health Center
13860 Gleneagle Drive
Colorado Springs, CO 80921