American Heart Month in Colorado Springs

Why you should care about your heart and how chiropractic can help
When people think of February, more often than not, Valentine’s Day is the first thing to pop into their heads. But what they may not realize is that the importance of the heart representing that day of love doesn’t just start on February 14th. It begins on the very first day of the month as we recognize American Heart Month.
Did you know that heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women in the United States? Every single year, 1 in 4 deaths are caused by heart disease. Heart disease — and the conditions that lead to it — can happen at any age. For younger individuals, high rates of obesity and high blood pressure put them at risk for heart disease earlier in life. Over half of Americans have one of the top three risk factors leading to heart disease in Colorado Springs (high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and smoking).
top three risk factors in Colorado Springs
- High blood pressure. Millions of individuals of all ages have high blood pressure and half of them do not have it under control. Uncontrolled high blood pressure is one of the biggest risk factors leading to heart disease. Not only does it increase your risk of heart disease but it can potentially lead to damaged blood vessels, blood clots, strokes, and dementia.
- High cholesterol. The body needs cholesterol in order to build healthy cells. With high cholesterol, one can develop fatty deposits in their blood vessels. Over time, those deposits grow, making it incredibly difficult for blood to flow properly through the arteries and increasing one’s risk of heart disease.
- Smoking. Most individuals know the potential damage that can occur on the lungs from smoking, but what one may not realize is that smoking also damages the blood vessels. As a result of the constriction of our blood vessels, blood is not able to flow properly to the organs.
Take Care of These Issues and get ahead
Getting ahead on your health and taking care of these issues before they become a bigger problem can set you up for a healthy heart in the long run.
- Don’t smoke. Smoking is the leading cause of preventable death in the United States. If you haven’t smoked before, now isn’t the time to start. If you have, there are thousands of resources available to help you quit.
- Manage conditions. It is incredibly important to manage conditions leading to the risk of heart disease. If you have high blood pressure or cholesterol, making sure it is under control will help you in the long run.
- Stay active. Studies have proven that regular physical activity makes your heart stronger. A stronger heart can pump blood with less effort, lowering your blood pressure significantly. A good rule of thumb is to make a goal of being active for at least 150 minutes a week.
- Visit your Colorado Springs Chiropractor. Chiropractic care can significantly help with preventing heart disease and in lowering blood pressure. One study showed that the misalignment of the C1 vertebrae often correlates to high blood pressure. Unlike your other vertebrae, which interlock with each other, your atlas relies largely upon soft tissue for proper alignment. This means that it can easily misalign without the symptom of pain being present at all. At the base of your brain, there are two centers that control all the muscles of the body. When the atlas is out of place, it upsets these centers and often results in the spiking of blood pressure. A chiropractic adjustment helps to return the atlas to its proper alignment. When the spine is free of subluxations, the body is able to return to a state of healing that affects every single muscle, nerve, tissue, and most importantly, your heart and high blood pressure.
At True North Health Center in Colorado Springs, our goal is to help you #liveyourtruenorth. That’s why our doctors give very gentle and specific adjustments to help restore your body to its ultimate potential. Treating your body to Chiropractic care can help with keeping a healthy heart and lowering your risk of heart disease. To book an appointment, call one of our team members at (719) 301-5781. We cannot wait to serve you within our office!
Resources: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (ODPHP), U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), University of Chicago Medicine.
10:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
7:30am - 11:00am
10:00am - 12:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
True North Health Center
13860 Gleneagle Drive
Colorado Springs, CO 80921